Monday, June 30, 2003

I am so, so, so bored with this Lit review and so, so, so ready to go to Melbourne!

Frustrated? Just a little.....

Wondering how I am going to get up to 6000 words? Yes.
Wondering if I really need 6000 words? Definitely.

Going to procras.. I mean, switch modes and design the figures to help the reader understand what the hell it is I am going on about? Not until I hit 5000. A girl has gotta have something to look forward to.

** This post was interrupted as I was called upon to ligate a rat's sciatic nerve. Oh, research. **

Saturday, June 28, 2003

Tonsils: 2
Louise: 0

I finished my ten day course of antibiotics on Monday, feeling great.
Wednesday morning, woke up with slightly sore throat.
By Wednesday afternoon I knew that whatever bacteria had infected my tonsils the first time had not been scared off by a little penicillin.
Doctors appointment on Friday resulted in a throat swab and a second prescription for antibiotics.

The good news is that these antibiotics seem to have acted more quickly, and efficiently, than the others. Saturday morning (only four tablets into the bottle) and my tonsils have reduced in size.


In other news:

Lit Review continues.........
Six days till Melbourne......

Monday, June 23, 2003

In the midst of all things Lit Review, I have booked my flight to Melbourne to visit Jane!

I spent the entire weekend in the lab, in front of this very computer, typing, typing, typing away to try and get on top of it so that I could make an informed decision about whether or not it would be finished in time so that I could go away for the weekend. Three thousand words later....... (not quite my anticipated goal of four) I think it is under control and definitely able to be finished in the next 11 days.

Eleven days and then,


Do you think I am excited?

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

They say things come in threes right?

I have had a horrible weekend health wise. Went to the doctor this morning and was diagnosed with either tonsillitis or glandular fever. I think it is just tonsillitis, but I had a blood test anyway to rule out anything else.

The antibiotics she prescribed should make me feel human in 48 hours (after 5 days of little/no sleep, little/no food, little/no drink, little/no talk; I am really looking forward to returning to the world of the living)

I feel like this blog has only been full of heartache and despair the past couple of weeks so some good news for everyone playing along at home.....

Since it was a long weekend here (read: golden opportunity to get lots of work done in an otherwise empty lab) I dragged myself out of bed to do some experiments that I had promised Ian I would do. It turns out my trouble was worth it as I got *fantastic* results and enough for, in Ian's words, "the first chapter of my thesis".


Wednesday, June 04, 2003

Exactly one week later (28/05) I received more bad news.

The news resulted in Dale and I breaking up.

End of story.